The following BASF products are protected by patents in the U.S. and elsewhere. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the virtual patent marking provisions of the America Invents Act.
The following list of BASF products may not be all inclusive, and other BASF products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents.
For additions or changes to the content on this page, contact Michael Locascio.
Catalysts for Diesel Engines
Catalyzed Soot Filters (CSF)
7722829, 8119075, 8038954, 8114354, 8038956, 8679434, 8800268, 8663587, 8722000, 8858904, 8845974, 8802016, 8722000
Catalysts for Motorcycles and General Engines (MCY & GEC)
7271125, 7521033, 7527774, 7704915, 7981390, 8062990, 8833064, 8765085
Catalysts for Gasoline Engines
Three Way Conversion Catalysts and Four Way Conversion Catalysts
5866210, 5888464, 5898014, 6044644, 6110862, 6492297, 6497851, 6764665, 6777370, 6923945, 7041263, 7022644, 7276212, 7374729, 7501098, 7517510, 7524465, 7550124, 7622096, 7678347, 7749472, 7754171, 7758834, 7795172, 7811962, 7879755, 7922988, 8007750, 8038951, 8173087, 8568675, 8815189, 8950174, 8765085, 6093378
Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC)
5987882, 6006516, 6422008, 7078004, 7576031, 7875573, 7947238, 8148290, 8211392, 8246922, 8252258, 8329607, 8449852, 8568675, 8637426
7481983, 7767176, 7722845, 8293182, 8524185, 8722000, 6689709, 6914026
Selective Catalytic Reduction & Selective Catalytic Reduction on Filter (SCR, SCR.2F)
6311484, 6415602, 6446430, 6581374, 6662553, 6742330, 6826906, 7143578, 7150145, 7229597, 7438878, 7481983, 7490464, 7601662, 7704475, 7767176, 7722845, 7902107, 7919051, 7951742, 7968068, 7998423, 8119088, 8122603, 8246922, 8293182, 8293198, 8293199, 8404203, 8524185, 8544260, 8617474, 8899023, 6004524, 8961914, 8722000, 6689709, 6914026, 6125629
Lean NOx Traps (LNT)
6375910, 6497848, 7022646, 7490464, 7919051, 8022010, 8173574, 8784759, 8776499
5997831, 6214303, 6340066, 6506605, 6699529, 6818254, 708382
7189376, 7278410, 7422628, 7531029, 7578285, 7677226, 7753034, 8372477
Hg Adsorbents
7572421, 7575629, 7578869, 7704920, 7753992, 8480791, 8685351, 8728974
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
5451388, 5578283, 5643545, 5653949, 5753197, 5871347, 5874053, 5967771, 7208128, 7378366, 7393511, 7410626, 7976784, 8193114
Aircraft Ozone
6156283, 6586359, 6685898, 6872686, 7462339
RCO (Regenerative catalytic oxidation)
5753197, 5871347, 5874053, 5891411, 5919425, 5967771, 6042795, 7208128, 7378366
Volatile Organic Components (VOC)
5753197, 5858316, 5871347, 5874053, 5891411, 5895636, 5919425, 5967771, 6042795, 6156283, 6239064, 6586359, 6685898, 6872686, 7208128, 7378366
5820693, 6162524
Base Metal
5283041, 5451388, 5578283, 5643545, 5653949, 7208128, 7378366
Catalyst Supports
5735158, 5737839, 5919425, 6156283, 6375905, 6685898, 6689709, 6872686, 6914026, 7118722, 7182927, 7332148, 7462339
N2O Catalysis
7438878, 7951742
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
6689709, 6914026, 7118722, 7182927, 7332148, 7393511, 7438878, 7951742, 8178064
5451388, 5578283, 5643545, 5653949, 5895636, 6239064
7393511, 7410626, 7438878, 7727499, 7951742, 7976784, 7976784
Hg Adsorbents
7572421, 7575629, 7578869, 7704920, 7753992, 8480791, 8685351, 8728974