Ni 5256E
Ni 5256 E RS
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Ni 5256 E RS is BASF’s hydrogenation fixed bed catalyst having the highest nickel surface area in the market.
This conical extrudate contains 56% nickel and is supplied in reduced and CO2-stabilized form. It is available in 3/64” and 1/8” size.
Ni 5256E and Ni 5300E are applied in configurations that put a lower physical force to the catalyst allowing very long lifecycles in combination with very deep levels of unsaturation.
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BASF's Catalysts division is the world's leading supplier of environmental and process catalysts. The group offers exceptional expertise in the development of technologies that protect the air we breathe, produce the fuels that power our world and ensure efficient production of a wide variety of chemicals, plastics and other products, including advanced battery materials. By leveraging our industry-leading R&D platforms, passion for innovation and deep knowledge of precious and base metals, BASF's Catalysts division develops unique, proprietary solutions that drive customer success.